Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm the Mommy, right?

Being a mommy is one of the greatest joys in the whole world! I personally feel that there is nothing better than looking in the eyes of that little person that I created and that I am molding. As a mommy, we have to tell our children, "don't do that" "don't touch that" "don't say that" "change your attitude" and so on..... Well, one thing that I also have to deal with as a parent is "who is the mommy" I have 3 kids, so they of course think that they have to boss each other around, or even that they have to boss Michael or me around. Well, what I want to imprint into my children, is that I am their mommy. They are not mine! Yes there is always room for correction in all of us, but what does it teach our children if we allow them to "tell us what to do"? They need to learn they I am their boss and they are not mine. Because if we allow them to tell us what to do, then all that teaches them is that they are the boss, so therefore, they do not have to obey us, but we have to obey them and their every command. I don't want that for my children. I desire better for them. I want them to grow up learning that they need to obey and respect their authority and that they are not the authority. If we allow them to tell us what to do and teach them that they don't have to listen then when they get older, they will believe that they don't follow God, and that their opinion is better than that of God. That is one of the worst things I could ever teach my children. I want them to learn to follow me and to follow God! It just hurts children when they think that they are the boss and that they are the authority. I know what is best for them, so I want my kids to know that, yes, mommy and the rest of the world makes mistakes, but that is for God to deal with not them. They need to learn to respect me and other adults and not think they are the "mommy". Children love and need boundaries, and if we don't give them that, then they will never learn to follow them.

Another point, my precious Kylie is so much like me! She is my mini me all the way around! She looks and acts JUST like me. Kylie, is so precious. She is so gorgeous! She has HUGE chocolate eyes that you can spot from a mile away. A smile that lights a room. Dark brown hair. She is so tiny and petite at a whopping 28 lbs at 3 yrs old. LOL! She has a personality that will make strangers enjoy her! But she is very feisty! Very sassy! And VERY stubborn. When she is happy, she is the happiest little kid ever, but when she is mad, she is maddest little kid ever. I am just the same. I can have the best and the worst attitude, and I too, am very stubborn. So we kinda clash. About a month ago, we were eating at Blue Moon. She started getting an attitude and being naughty, so I took her to the bathroom and had a talk with her. She is so impressionable. After our talk, I told her to smile, well she was being stubborn and wouldn't smile. So I kept talking to her and telling her to smile. She still wouldn't. So I then realized that I wasn't smiling. So I had a little conversation with myself. "Stephanie, you need to smile too. Show her you are happy!" "NO! I don't want to smile! I just really don't feel like smiling, she is being a booger and frustrating me" "Well how can you tell her to force herself to smile and be happy, if not even you will force yourself to smile and be happy?" So, I got over my stubborness, and put a smile on my face and in return I got to see her gorgeous smile! So although I do not want my children thinking they have authority over me, they can still teach me! Kylie is just like me so I realized that I know what she's thinking and in order to make her do something, I have to do what would work for me too!

Proverbs 13:24- Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.

Monday, March 30, 2009

As The Weeks Have Flown By

Oh Wow! It's been a long time! To say that life has been so busy, crazy, hectic in the Aynes household would be an understatement. Seriously! In the last 6 weeks, I got a job at Aspen Athletics! I had never ever had a job before so I had been with my kids for 4 yrs! So, this job was kinda a trial thing, well I started working Monday, Tuesday, Friday from 5-11 p.m. I worked up at the girls school on Tuesdays and Thursday from 8:30-11 a.m. Michael had school Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tuesday and Friday it was from 5:30-8:30 and Wednesday it was from 5:30-10:40. He also worked Mon-Fri. So as you can tell from seeing that, our weeks were quite hectic and we didn't get alot of family time. Long story short, the job didn't work out. Everytime I left my house my lillte Princesses and Prince cried. That broke my heart everytime I left or someone told me about it. While I was gone they would ask where I was and cry. So for me, that was it! There was not even a challenge in my mind. I knew what I had to do. So, although I was sad about it because I enjoyed my job and my coworkers and adored my boss, I put in my 2 weeks notice. Since then, I have stopped working, been to the Dr. to find out why I haven't been able to breath for the past 2 yrs. We also talked about my headaches and why I get so sick if I don't eat. She gave me some meds for my headaches and sent me for a chest xray and blood tests. The meds didn't work. The blood test was normal and my chest xray came back "airway restricted". My lungs are hyper inflated. Which means they are VERY enlarged. She said that it could be caused by asthma, emphyzema (not likely at my age) or a lung disease. I am going for more tests to find out more info. She is sending me to a neurologist for my headaches. Michael had to go to the Dr as well. He had a cist (not sure I spelled that correctly) on his neck. Corbin got sick last week. Poor little man had a stomach but! It was bad enough we took him to the ER. They did a stomach xray and everything looked good! The girls have been doing good. My precious Kylie for some reason has developed "ATTITUDE SYNDROM" and I am just beside myself with it. I truely do not know what to do. Poor girl, got a little too much of her Momma in her! LOL! RaiLynn is doing very good. She learned to write her name! She wasn't interested at first so we just let it dwindle, but she learned!!! Now I'm working with Kylie! This all in just 6 weeks! All in all, we are all doing very well! God is watching over my precious family! He has great plans for us and is guiding us through the pathways as we speak! Anywho, this is my last 6 weeks! I'll try not to make it so long between blogs next time!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We can not flip the hour glass back over!

Something that God has recently shown me is that life is so short! I mean, of course, it seems like it lasts forever. When you are a kid, you just can't wait to be a teenager and be able to drive, then when we are teenagers, we just can't wait to be adults and on our own and able to do everything that we want, then we become adults and learn what it's really about. We look back and say, I couldn't wait to get here but where has time gone? I am no longer a child, my little girls are 4 and 3 now. Starting kindergarden next year. Where has the time gone. I can remember finding out that I was pregnant with RaiLynn and the very exact thoughts that went through my mind when I had her. She is now 4 yrs old. All in the blink of an eye. We can't take the hour glass and tip it back over when it runs out of sand. There is no starting over or going back. It's now. What we make of it today. My favorite quote is "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why it's called the present" It is so true. We can't get yesterday back. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. But today, we know, today we can sculpt and mold into what our hearts desire. Sure there will be a couple bumps in the road. But that's when we say "God, you are in control. Not me. Not in my strength. But you Lord, you are strong, and you control my life and my situations. Guide me in your paths. Show me the way. Speak to me Lord and just help me to be obedient!"

In those moments of hardship, we have to realize that God is our creator, and we do not have the power to change people, situations or even ourselves. But God does. And yeah to some people that's hard because some of us, including myself, have controlling mentalities, but just look at it as a relief. Because when we hand our situations over to God it is no longer for us to worry about. All that we have to do is obey! How easy is that? God loves us so much! And sometimes he shows his love by unanswered prayers. Thank you Jesus for those unanswered prayes! Amen!God has a plan for each and everyone of us! All we have to do is obey and turn to Him. Not just in those times of need and desperation! All the time! I was asked a question in my time of hardship, that question was "do you have a reason to smile" my answer is "YES! ABSOLUTELY!" I have more reasons to smile then I have time to list! God loves me enough that He showed me this.. Told me, "Just because it's hard and you feel broken, it is not over! You have to press on! In the midst of it all, I am holding your hand and when you grow week, I am carrying you! You have no reason to be concerned!" Thank You Jesus! You are simply amazing!So, when times are hard.

Remember, we can not flip the hour glass back over. We have to go on! When we have wrong attitudes with someone just because we feel broken, you can never take that back! We have to take everything and see the bigger picture. It is not just about how we are affected, how does our attitude and response affect those around us? We have to make the best of everything and make ourselves a treasure to others no matter what we are dealing with in the flesh! Because God has our back! Just give it to Him and make the best of your time! The end of our time will come. How will everyone around about us remember us? What will their last memory be? Good or bad? That is for us to decide. We are molding ourselves in other people's minds. What will your sculpture be?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time for School!

The girls have been going to a private Christian school now for 6 mths. It is Edmond Christian Academy! It has been such an amazing experience! They love it! I love them going, I love the school and all of the people there. They are all so amazing! The girls absolutely adore their teachers Miss Kim and Miss Kaye! They have been so good to my little angels! At first Kylie wasn't so hot on the idea. She had NEVER been away from me during the day. So she had no clue what was going on. But after about 3 weeks of going Mon-Thurs from 8:30-11:00, she got used to it. They have a song that they sing there that is teaching them their Bible verses. They come home singing that song everyday, and they will sing it any and everywhere. I love it so much! It is so much fun to watch them learn to LOVE God! They are learning so much about God and now they always ask questions. It's amazing what their little minds will ponder! They love the other kids there too. They always come home talking about all of their little friends from school. It is so much fun to listen to their stories!

Renae (my amazing mother in law) helps me with Corbin and also works up at the school 1 day a week to help with tuition. I work up there 2 days and the days that I am there she keeps Corbin. The day that she is there, she takes the girls to school then goes and gets them lunch after school then brings them home. She has been so great through all of this.

I have been working up there with a woman named Stacey. She teaches 1st and 2nd grade. I help her on Tues and Thurs. She and I have grown pretty close in the last 6 mths. She is such a great woman. I have grown really close to all of the students. I enjoy my time there.

I do not know what to do about next year. I know that I still will not be able to afford it and I don't know what I will do with Corbin. I can't expect Renae to continue helping so much. And if I don't have someone for Corbin then I can't teach up there. So I just really don't know what to do. I am going to start homeschooling but I still want them to have that interaction with the teachers and all of the kids. They love it up there and I don't want to take that away from them. I want them to continue going. I have thought about just taking them 2 days a week and teaching up there those 2 days but I still have the dilemma of figuring something out for Corbin. I'm at a complete loss of what to do. I know I just need to pray and ask God to guide me down the path that He wants me to take. But everyone's input is also helpful!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Prayers Necessary!

Okay, so Michael starts school tonight. He will be going Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I am so stressed. I have a 4 yr old, 3 yr old and 18 mth old. 3 toddlers under the same roof with 1 adult!!!!! I don't even have a clue how I am going to handle it. But I am so scared that everything is going to go wrong. That something is going to happen. Last year whil Michael was at school Kylie got a bottle of childrens Tylenol and drank half of it. I was cooking dinner and I had a movie turned on for RaiLynn and Kylie. Corbin was asleep. So I'm standing at the stove and Kylie runs into the kitchen and says "Here Mommy!" and hands me the EMPTY bottle!!!!!!!! I wigged out! I smelled her breath and definitely could tell that she had drank it. So I called Poison Control and they took her age, weight and how much she had drank and added up some numbers, she told me that she should be fine. She was so sweet, called me the rest of the night checking on her. Well my mother and father in law came over and I told them what had happened and Mike went to the computer and did some numbers and told me that he thought I should take her to the hospital. So I text Michael and told him that I was taking Kylie to the E.R. and we left. I got to the hospital and bawled. I was so scared and felt so guilty. I went to the bathroom b/c I was crying so much and this woman, my Angel sent from God, came in and just grabbed me and hugged me and prayed for me. I was so shocked but so very thankful! Everything ended up being fine. But I am now dealing with the "What If's".........
What if something like that happens again?
What if one of them gets into something and I have no control?
What if one of them falls and breaks their arm or leg or anything?

I am just so scared and I'm so stressed. What if I can't handle this on my own. I am all I have. Michael is not going to be home to help me bathe them, feed them, play with them, put them to bed. I will do it all on my own. I'm just so stressed. So please please please pray for me. If you just randomly think about me on any of these nights, CALL ME PLEASE!!! Just to check on me or give me some words of encouragement. Anyway, I just had to get that off of my chest. Thank you all for your prayers.